Annual Ofqual Qualifications Report

The Learning Machine is proud to announce following the Ofqual Annual Qualifications Market Report out of awarding organisations in England, TLM is now the fifth largest for the number of technical qualifications issued, eleventh largest for the number of vocational certificates issued and thirteenth largest overall for the number of certificates awarded.

Benefits of working with TLM

  • A modern range of innovative qualifications to meet your local and national needs.

  • TLM qualifications process has been developed to offer a significant time saving for your Tutors and remove the burden of unnecessary bureaucracy and paperwork.

  • Full on-site bespoke training designed around your needs of your Tutors included.

  • A dedicated support phone number that will be answered during school and office hours.

  • No moderation windows.

  • No examination windows.

  • Non examined and examined qualifications available.

  • True on-demand moderation, with moderation for a single learner and unit allowed.

  • Moderation turn around average is 5 working days.

  • Moderation feedback given with open dialogue between the Moderators and Tutors.

  • No long annotations or screenshots required of learner’s work. Just the learners coursework itself.

  • Work can be submitted to TLM electronically in any format. Whatever is the most suitable for the Centre and learner. For example, memory stick, email Google Drive, Google Classroom, One Drive, Dropbox etc.

We have worked closely with a select group of Centres to develop a solution that takes into consideration the drastically reduced budgets you are experiencing as well as the time restraints imposed. The end outcome is a system that offers both a cost and time saving combined with a flexible delivery approach and support package to increase the impact of your delivery.

We would like to offer you the same cost-saving fee structure that these selected centres are currently enjoying.

For more information please contact, Andrew Chamberlain on 01827 305940 or