TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications (EDSQ) are available at both Entry Level and Level 1.

Essential Digital Skills and are fully funded under legal entitlement for adults (19+) who wish to develop their digital skills. They will also be funded for adults (16-18) who don’t have the basic digital skills they need for life and work through a study programme.

Skill Areas

All five skill areas will be comprehensively covered in both qualifications. These five areas are:

  1. Using devices and handling information
  2. Creating and editing
  3. Communicating
  4. Transacting
  5. Being safe and responsible online

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Our Customers Say...

TLM operates at a very high standard and they have responded to our queries instantly.

- Birmingham Adult Education Services

TLM are approachable, the system for uploading and moderating work is easy to use, and the timetable for requesting moderation to certification stage is very good.

- Codenation

TLM can further support the delivery of our Essential Digital Skills Qualifications (EDSQ) with the help of our carefully crafted TLM Support Package as well as access to a range of handy materials from the Good Things Foundation.

These useful resources have been developed with the input of teaching professionals and are available free to our Centres approved to deliver TLM EDSQ.

Our comprehensive TLM Support Package includes:

We can also create bespoke Entry Level lesson plans for you – if you would like support materials that complement the support materials from the Good Things Foundation. Please talk to us about this, and we will be happy to help.

*When you become a registered TLM Centre you will gain access to the full sample assessment pack.

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The 2018 report found that in the UK:

  • 11.3 million people (21%) lack the full basic digital skills
  • 4.3 million (8%) have no basic digital skills at all
  • 5.4 million working adults (10%) are without basic digital skills
  • people with a registered disability are 4 times as likely to be offline
  • 28% of those aged 60+ are offline

FREE - TLM Diagnostic Tool

Free EDSQ diagnostic tool.

Baseline test dedicated site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most common queries about our Essential Digital Skills can be found on it's own dedicated page.