Candidates are expected to demonstrate a masterful command of the instrument and communicate an understanding of stylistic characteristics and structural elements of each repertoire selection with interpretive insight and a mature musical personality. Candidates may play repeats in the examinations provided it is stylistically appropriate. Candidates should select a balance program with contrasting style of performances.

Candidates must achieve a pass standing (at least 60 percent) in order to be awarded a Certificate in the examination. Three general areas on the performing repertoires, approximately equal in importance, will be considered in the examination: Technical Competency, Musicality, Musical Knowledge and Interpretation.

Classification of Marks

Grading Grade One to Grade Eight
Distinction 90 - 100
Merit 75 - 89
Pass 60 - 74
Ungraded 59 and below


Band Descriptions


Repertoire Performance
Distinction (90 ‐ 100) A high level of technical competency, demonstrating accuracy and fluency, appropriate to the repertoire performed. Well-developed and secure tone quality, intonation, and/or articulation. A mature sense of musical style, and an ability to take charge of expressive elements in the

music. A confident and assured performance.

Merit 75 ‐ 89) An ability to cope well with the technical demands of the music. A good standard of tone quality, intonation and/or articulation. A confident performance. A secure understanding of musical notation should be evident.
Pass (60 – 74) Fairly accurate, reasonably fluent, but occasionally hesitant. Tone quality, intonation and/or articulation of a generally acceptable standard for this level. There is some evidence of appropriate musicality. A reasonably

confident performance.

Ungraded (59 and below) A significant degree of inaccuracy, proportionately greater than accurate responses, in terms of rudimentary and contextual knowledge. Personal response to repertoire lacks consideration and clarity.





Requirements Grade One – Eight
Grade One to Eight: Any 3 pieces from any

3 out of 4 periods provided in the repertoire list or Any 2 pieces from the repertoire list plus 1 piece own choice selection in equal level of difficulty (seek Board approval if uncertain).

72 (42)

24 (14)

24 (14)

24 (14)

Fourth Piece

Can be any examination pieces from the syllabus, or an Étude listed in the syllabus, or own selection

24 (14)
Memory (Maximum of 4 marks will be awarded to candidate who perform without the music scores). Applicable to Grade 1 to 8 only. 4
Total achievable marks 60/100



Marks within ( ) indicate the passing mark.


Memorization of repertoire is highly recommended for all grades as 1 bonus point will be awarded for the memorization of each repertoire from grade one to grade eight.

Exceptions may be made for complex 21st-century works in either traditional or non-traditional notation. Candidates must use their own judgement in deciding whether to perform such works with the score.

Duration of Examinations


Grade Duration
One 15 - 18 minutes
Two 15 - 18 minutes
Three 15 - 18 minutes
Four 17 - 20 minutes
Five 17 - 20 minutes
Six 20 – 25 minutes
Seven 25 - 30 minutes
Eight 25 - 35 minutes


General Examination Guidelines:

1.      ÉTUDES: Etudes are necessary for students to develop a strong technique and to be able to play the required pieces confidently. Therefore, études are necessary for technical development, and TLM strongly recommends teachers take time to use the études to advantage.

2.      MEMORY: The playing of music from memory is to be encouraged as many benefits can be derived from playing from memory. Style, skill and confidence often develop considerably in this way as the student's attention is not diverted by the need to continually look at the printed page. Memory work is mandatory in the Certificate of Achievement and Certificate of Mastery examinations.

3.      PERFORMANCE: The importance of personal style development should not be overlooked by teachers and students. Attention to different styles and accuracy of music in general must not be neglected. It should always be borne in mind that the music which has been chosen for the examination must be played with precision and accuracy in respect of the demands of the period and of the composer's intentions. The correct Balance, Dynamics, Tone and Phrasing are also expected to be evident in the performance. It is expected that teachers and candidates will give careful consideration to the development of technical skill and musical ability so that the necessary styling demands of the music be adequately met. This however is also coupled with some personal interpretation.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment

The following tables describe the level of knowledge and skills required of candidates taking Graded Exams in Violin Performance. They also show the assessment objectives and corresponding marking criteria that examiners use to assess the performances at each level.

Grades 1 to 3 (RQF Level 1)




  • Guidance and support provided.
  • Coursework is easily managed and the marking criteria is unambiguous.
  • Moderation on demand, no restrictive moderation windows.
  • Feedback offered on any evidence submitted. TLM are willing to communicate with assessors with guidance on how to improve learners work.
  • The online TLM Markbook is invaluable in tracking students' progress.
  • Coursework is easily managed and the marking criteria is unambiguous.
  • Devised by employers in partnership with IT subject specialists.
  • Clear and flexible unit based structure referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
  • Straightforward assessment of competence in the use of IT to support learning in all subjects.
  • Ongoing support from our team of subject specialists.
  • Flexible enough to accredit skills and knowledge acquired in other subjects as well as in specialist lessons.
  • Provides a focus for continuing professional development for IT teachers through moderation/verification feedback.
  • Growing pool of free and open source teaching and learning resources.
  • Scope to provide all children in a school with recognised qualifications irrespective of ability at ultra low cost through the subscription model.
  • Reduced bureaucracy for teachers and flexibility for them to target specific interests.

Need more info? Call us +44 (0)1827 305940 or fill the contact form and our representative will contact you back.

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