Change and Update of Controlled Procedures
9.3 – Change and Update of Controlled Procedures
9.3.1 Purpose
To provide a mechanism to change controlled procedures to encompass improvements and changes to regulatory, customers and business requirements.
9.3.2 Scope
All procedures controlled within the BMS (Business Management System).
9.3.3 Responsibilities
Procedure Owners – Ensuring Procedures are fit for purpose, and meet all regulatory, customers and business requirements.
All Employees – Ensure all procedures being followed are to the latest issue.
Chief Moderator – To confirm all changes to al controlled procedures are fit for purpose
and meet all regulatory, customers and business requirements.
– Process Owner
9.3.4 Documentation and Forms
Controlled Procedure Change Register.
9.3.5 Procedure
Once the need or detail for a change has been identified, to any controlled procedure in the BMC (Business Management Procedure) i.e. through continuous improvement activities, changes to regulatory or customer requirements or business strategy developments, a draft procedure detailing the changes in red is to be generated by the relevant procedure owner.
Any previous changes in red must be returned to black unless they are the subject of the change currently being made.
The Procedure Owner must review the draft procedure to ensure it conforms to all regulatory, customers and business requirements.
Provided the changed procedure meets all these requirements, the Procedure Owner must enter a summary of the changes into the ‘Controlled Procedure Change Register’, and the change history section at the foot of the procedure, together with the new issue level, the date, and the Procedure owners’ name and signature.
Once approved by the Procedure Owner, the Chief Moderator must review the draft procedure to ensure it conforms to all regulatory, customers and business requirements. Provided the changed procedure meets all these requirements the Chief Moderator must enter their name, the date and sign the change summary in the ‘Controlled Procedure Change Register’ and the change history section at the foot of the procedure.
Once approved by the Chief Moderator, the Chief Regulating Officer must review the draft procedure to ensure it conforms to all regulatory, customers and business requirements. Provided the changed procedure meets all these requirements the Chief Regulating Officer must enter their name, the date and sign the change summary in the ‘Controlled Procedure Change Register’ and the change history section at the foot of the procedure. And ‘Up Issue’ the procedure.