Calendar of Events
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TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
This introduction workshop is designed for centres that want to learn more about TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications and how to get started. Workshop agenda: EDSQ Entry Level and L1 Stepping stones Funding EDSQ Units Under the bonnet How are Units assessed? How do Practical assessments work? How do Examinations work? How does qualification work?…
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TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
This introduction workshop is designed for centres that want to learn more about TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications and how to get started. Workshop agenda: EDSQ Entry Level and L1 Stepping stones Funding EDSQ Units Under the bonnet How are Units assessed? How do Practical assessments work? How do Examinations work? How does qualification work?…
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TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
This introduction workshop is designed for centres that want to learn more about TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications and how to get started. Workshop agenda: EDSQ Entry Level and L1 Stepping stones Funding EDSQ Units Under the bonnet How are Units assessed? How do Practical assessments work? How do Examinations work? How does qualification work?…
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TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications – Introduction Workshop
This introduction workshop is designed for centres that want to learn more about TLM Essential Digital Skills Qualifications and how to get started. Workshop agenda: EDSQ Entry Level and L1 Stepping stones Funding EDSQ Units Under the bonnet How are Units assessed? How do Practical assessments work? How do Examinations work? How does qualification work?…