Internal Training and Competence Procedure

9.1 – Internal Training and Competence Procedure

9.1.1 Purpose

To define structure, recording and establishment of internal training / competencies.

9.1.2 Scope

All Staff Competences deemed necessary for TLM staff and subcontractors to meet TLM’s Regulatory, Legal, Customer and Business Requirements.

9.1.3 Responsibilities

Managing Director – Process Owner
– Training Set Competencies Required

Competency Specialist – Create Training and assessment material

All Employees – Complete Training

9.1.4 Documentation and Forms

Competency Matrix

Individual Training Records

Training Feedback Form

Competency Certificate

9.1.5 Procedure

The Managing Director is required to set all competency requirements of TLM’s; staff and subcontractors, to meet all regulatory, customer and business requirements.

These are to be entered on the Competency matrix where Staff / subcontractors names and job rolls are listed. Ref document competency matrix.

The criteria required for each competence level, is set out by the indicated Competency Specialists for each competence, based on qualification, experience or both. This could be a member of staff or an outside agency.

Creation, and delivery of training packs is also the responsibility of the Competency Specialist, where delivery is either via classroom, real time electronic interaction, web based training, or ‘on-job’ coaching and demonstration.

In each case, on completion of training, an individual must demonstrate competence. This can either be by work they produce under supervision, or via a questionnaire. For a questionnaire this would be after completing sections or the entirety of the training, to determine a minimum level of understanding, sufficient to reasonably demonstrate competence levels.

Classifications of Competence are:-

Competence Matrix Key

1) Not Required – competency not necessary for tasks performed in the job roll

2) Required not Trained – competency is necessary but training not delivered

3) Trained – competency is necessary, training delivered, competence not proven

4) Trained and Competent – Competency meets requirements

5) Competency Specialist – Can train others in the specific competency

Some competencies require a refresh annually, where this is the case, the competence for the individual will automatically revert back from 4) Trained and Competent, to 2) Required not Trained at the end of the 12 month period.

The trigger for the training to be delivered is where the Managing Director sets a classification of 2) Required not Trained (competency is necessary but training not delivered).

It is the responsibility of all staff and competency specialists to review the training matrix monthly and ensure all required competencies are in place for their job rolls. To perform a task for TLM that requires a listed competence, a minimum competency classification of 4) Trained and Competent is required. The same task can also be performed where they have competency of 3) Trained – competency is necessary, provided it is carried out under the supervision of another staff member holding 4) Trained and Competent or 5) Competency Specialist.

Following completion of training in any competence:

    • the trainee is required to complete a ‘Training Feedback Form’.
    • the competency specialist is required to review the feedback form in order to identify and effect any improvements in the training pack.
    • the competency specialist is required to update the competency matrix for the trainee to 3) Trained – competency is necessary

Following completion of training in any competence and where competence has been proven, the Competence specialist will:

    • issue a ‘Certificate of Competence’ to the individual concerned.
    • update the competency matrix for the trainee to 4) Trained and Competent

The criteria for attaining 5) Competency Specialist, will be set by another level 5) Competency Specialist. Once achieved the awarding competency specialist will:

    • issue a ‘Certificate of Competence’ to the individual concerned.
    • update the competency matrix for the individual concerned to 5) Competency Specialist

The ‘Training Feedback Form’ and ‘Certificate of Competence’ are to be stored as a permanent record during an individuals employment and for a further 2 years following cessation of employment.

It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure:-

a) No individual is asked to perform a task that requires a listed competence unless they hold 4) Trained and Competent, to work alone, or 3) Trained – competency is necessary, to work under the supervision of another staff member holding 4) Trained and Competent or 5) Competency Specialist.


b) The Competency Matrix is updated monthly, and available to all staff to view.

c) Training records for all staff members are maintained and contain the records of achieving; 4) Trained and Competent – Competency meets requirements and, 5) Competency Specialist.