The Level 3 qualifications for Digital Professional Experts are designed to allow users 16+ to show expertise in digital skills and applications. Assessment is through practical exercises and coursework moderation.
“As a University we see computer science students entering the first year with a miscellaneous collection of A-levels and Diploma awards not directly related to computer science with their only computing knowledge gained as PC or tablet users at home. The addition of a level 3 cloud computing qualification such as this to their portfolio would make them much higher quality applicants and more prepared for undergraduate study by having experience and knowledge of such a contemporary IT field. The units offered hold together very well and I can see this as being quite an exciting area of study for the learners. The learning outcomes are appropriate for the level and are very well articulated. The requirement throughout for learners to demonstrate research skills, analytical skill sand critical interpretation in this area, also often absent in the qualifications they present to us on entry, will put them in good stead for further study in this area or study at higher level”
Mark Baldwin,
Principal Lecturer in Computer Science and Faculty Director of Quality Assurance University of Westminster


Examined course
On UCAS Tariff Table from May 2018 onwards.

The purpose of this qualifications is to recognise the development of IT User Skills directly related to the National Occupational Standards. They support progression to higher level qualifications in digital technologies and they are complementary to existing qualifications in the TLM provision using the TLM assessment model. For example, they enable extending the range of IT User Contexts when compared to the Open System Computing Qualifications and they are complementary to Tech Awards in Product Manufacture or Design, Engineer and Construct. Anyone wanting to develop their knowledge and understanding of IT applications in order to hone practical skills relevant to learning and the world of work will benefit from these qualifications.

The Level 3 Certificate for Digital Professional Expert is a minimum of 150 Guided Learning Hours with 3 mandatory units and two optional units, for example Cisco Cyber Security Essentials and Networking Essentials.

Please note: although the units are "optional", they are actually mandatory as they are required for Guided Learning Hours. They are optional as there is a choice of many from which to select the required number.

Total Credits required to achieve the qualification - 24
Mandatory Units: 

  • UNIT 40 - Cloud Based Services and Applications (5 CREDITS)
  • UNIT 41 - Cloud Based Systems and Security (5 CREDITS)
  • UNIT 42 - Undertaking a Real-World Project (5 CREDITS)




Level 3






Coursework, E-assessment, Portfolio of Evidence, Practical Demonstration/Assignment, Written Examination




Local Funding Available

14- 16 EFA




The qualification at Level 3 has two assessment components both of which cover the full content of the qualifications.

  1. Coursework assessed in terms of competence in practical areas where knowledge and understanding can be applied in real and motivating contexts.
  2. An externally set and externally marked examination to assess knowledge and understanding that underpins user competence. This also covers all aspects.

The Certificate qualification is unit based and consists of mandatory and optional units, as well as a mandatory project to be undertaken in a work based environment to gain some hands on skills. A minimum of 24 credits is needed equating to a minimum of 200 Guided Learning Hours. An additional 30 hours are required to make up the mandatory 230 hours TQT (Total Qualification Time). As part of TQT, it is expected that candidates will carry out work and assessment activities outside of their guided hours, including research and analytical activities as part of their real-world project.

The Level 3 Certificate is graded across 6 levels from A*- E with A* the highest grade equating to 80%+ of the available marks and grade E equating to a minimum of 50%. Candidates that complete the coursework to the appropriate standard at Level 3 will carry forward 30 marks. Those that achieve 20 more marks from the exam will be awarded a grade E (50%), 55% for a grade D, 60% for grade C, 70% for grade B, 75% for grade A and 80% or more for A*.

[The published grade boundaries may be subject to change]

TLM Level 3 Certificate in IT User Skills in Cloud Systems and Services - Handbook


Examined course
On UCAS Tariff Table from May 2018 onwards.

The purpose of this qualifications is to recognise the development of IT User Skills directly related to the National Occupational Standards. They support progression to higher level qualifications in digital technologies and they are complementary to existing qualifications in the TLM provision using the TLM assessment model. For example, they enable extending the range of IT User Contexts when compared to the Open System Computing Qualifications and they are complementary to Tech Awards in Product Manufacture or Design, Engineer and Construct. Anyone wanting to develop their knowledge and understanding of IT applications in order to hone practical skills relevant to learning and the world of work will benefit from these qualifications.
The Level 3 Diploma for Digital Professional Expert is a minimum of 360 Guided Learning Hours with 3 mandatory units and 5 optional units, for example Cisco CCNA 1-4, Cisco CCNA Security.

Please note: although the units are "optional", they are actually mandatory as they are required for Guided Learning Hours. They are optional as there is a choice of many from which to select the required number.

Total Credits required to achieve the qualification - 40

Mandatory Units: 

  • UNIT 40 - Cloud Based Services and Applications (5 CREDITS)
  • UNIT 41 - Cloud Based Systems and Security (5 CREDIT)
  • UNIT 42 - Undertaking a Real-World Project (5 CREDITS)




Level 3






Coursework, E-assessment, Portfolio of Evidence, Practical Demonstration/Assignment, Written Examination








The qualification at Level 3 has two assessment components both of which cover the full content of the qualifications.

  1. Coursework assessed in terms of competence in practical areas where knowledge and understanding can be applied in real and motivating contexts.
  2. An externally set and externally marked examination to assess knowledge and understanding that underpins user competence. This also covers all aspects.

The Diploma qualification is unit based and consists of mandatory and optional units, as well as a mandatory project to be undertaken in a work based environment to gain some hands on skills. A minimum of 40 credits is needed equating to a minimum 360 Guided Learning Hours. An additional 40 hours is required to make up the mandatory 400 hours TQT (Total Qualification Time). As part of TQT, it is expected that candidates will carry out work and assessment activities outside of their guided hours, including research and analytical activities as part of their real-world project.

The Level 3 Diploma is graded across 6 levels from A*- E with A* the highest grade equating to 80%+ of the available marks and grade E equating to a minimum of 50%. Candidates that complete the coursework to the appropriate standard at Level 3 will carry forward 30 marks. Those that achieve 20 more marks from the exam will be awarded a grade E (50%). 55% for a grade D, 60% for grade C, 70% for grade B, 75% for grade A and 80% or more for A*.

[The published grade boundaries may be subject to change]

TLM Level 3 Certificate in IT User Skills in Cloud Systems and Services - Handbook


  • Guidance and support provided.
  • The range of units that students can study is extensive and enables assessors to tailor courses to suit students' interests and aspirations.
  • Coursework is easily managed and the marking criteria is unambiguous.
  • Moderation on demand, no restrictive moderation windows.
  • Feedback offered on any evidence submitted. TLM are willing to communicate with assessors with guidance on how to improve learners work.
  • The online TLM Markbook is invaluable in tracking students' progress.
  • Coursework is easily managed and the marking criteria is unambiguous.
  • Devised by employers in partnership with IT subject specialists.
  • Clear and flexible unit based structure referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
  • Progression route from Entry Level learning to Level 3.
  • Straightforward assessment of competence in the use of IT to support learning in all subjects.
  • Ongoing support from our team of subject specialists.
  • Flexible enough to accredit skills and knowledge acquired in other subjects as well as in specialist lessons.
  • Provides a focus for continuing professional development for IT teachers through moderation/verification feedback.
  • Growing pool of free and open source teaching and learning resources.
  • Scope to provide all learners in a Centre with recognised qualifications irrespective of ability at ultra low cost through the subscription model.
  • Reduced bureaucracy for teachers and flexibility for them to target specific interests.

Need more info? Call us +44 (0)1827 305940 or fill the contact form and our representative will contact you back.

Qualification request